Urban Runner: Lost in Town


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Spilling confetti
Cleaning the carpet
Entering Marcos office
Switching on the light in Marcos office
Marcos office
Checking out documents
Lagrange owed Marcos
Weapons and munitions?
Marcos' safe
Connecting the electronic diary
Operating the electronic diary
Finds the passwords
The concierge wakes up
The Elite file
The concierge goes upstairs
The concierge checks the doorlock
Busted by the concierge
Max and Adda go to jail
Closet lock
Inside the office closet
The concierge is in the office!
Caught in the closet
Narrow escape
Caught in the corridor closet
The concierge walks off
Checking the Elite file
Ah... romance
Marcos warehouse
Adda hitches a ride in
Sneaking in Marcos warehouse
Jumping off the van
Adda observes the warehouse
A man puts a box in the van
The van in the warehouse
Inside the van
Checking an overall
A laundry ticket
Laundry ticket
A postcard and Inca 2 poster
The van driver and warehouse manager
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