Use the mouse to navigate through the menu items. Left-click to
select a menu item and right-click to go back. (The Simpsons Hit
& Run only supports steering wheels during gameplay, not when
navigating through menu screens.)
New Game: Begin a new game.
Resume Game: Return to the most recently played level in the game. Note that the game also auto-saves progress, so the game continues where you last left off, NOT where you last manually saved progress. Auto-save stores information on which missions and races you completed, which Collector Cards and gags you found, which clothes and cars you've purchased, and which bee cameras and coin crates you've destroyed.
Load Game: Select and load a previously manually saved game file.
Scrapbook: The Scrapbook tracks the statistics and collectibles of the game in progress:
OPEN BOOK: Here, you can view all of your completed missions and all collected clothing, vehicles, and cards. Selecting a specific mission will allow you to load and play it.
GAME STATS: Game statistics are tracked with running totals of overall game completion. Try to collect and complete everything!
Options: Select this option to configure the game controls, game settings, sound settings, display settings and more. See below.
Bonus Game: The Bonus Game is not available until you find all the Collector Cards in at least one level of the main game. Race on one of seven mini-tracks, each one separately unlockable.
Quit Game: Exit The Simpsons Hit & Run game and return to your desktop.
Game options
Display: Adjust The game's Resolution, Color Depth, Display Mode, and Gamma.
Controller: Customize your in-game controls and settings. See the default controls across different platforms below.
- CHARACTER CONTROLS: Configure all in-game character controls. Each control item may have two different buttons mapped to it from the keyboard or mouse, (also from a joystick, gamepad, or steering wheel, if used).
- VEHICLE CONTROLS: Configure all in-game vehicle controls. Each control item may have two different buttons mapped to it from the keyboard or mouse, (also from a joystick, gamepad, or steering wheel, if used).
- GAME SETTINGS: Adjust sliders for in-game Mouse and Wheel sensitivity and enable/disable Mouselook Mode, Invert Mouse, and Force Feedback.
- RESTORE ALL DEFAULTS: Set the controls and game settings back to their default values.
Sound: Adjust volume sliders for in-game Music, Effects, Vehicle, and Voice.
View Movies: View your unlocked movies from The Simpsons Hit & Run game.
View Credits: View the credits of The Simpsons Hit & Run production team.
Pause Menu
The Pause Menu lets you review your current mission objective or perform a variety of other tasks. Press the [ESC] key during gameplay (or B on XBOX/GameCube or triangle on PS2) to bring up The Simpsons Hit & Run Pause Menu.
Continue: Select this to dismiss the Pause Menu and resume play.
Mission Select: You can select any completed mission and jump straight to its starting point.
Level Progress: Game statistics are tracked with running totals of the overall level completion.
View Cards: You can view your collection of cards found in the level.
Options: Adjust your Display, Controller, Sound, and Settings. See above.
Save Game: Save your current progress to a saved game file.
Quit to Main Menu: Return to the Main Menu screen. (Selecting "Resume Game" from the Main Menu screen will allow you to return to your current game, even without manually saving progress as the game also auto-saves progress.)
Exit Program: Exit The Simpsons Hit & Run game and return to your desktop.
Game controls
In the game options menu, accessed through either the Main Menu or Pause Menu, the player can adjust both the character and vehicle controls. The default controls across different platforms are: