Scott Murphy

Easter Eggs

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (Egg id: 73)

- If you type in "scott" or "scott murphy", Scott Murphy will ask you to drop him a line at Sierra On-Line and tell him if you liked the game.

Quest for Glory 1 (EGA): So You Want To Be A Hero (a.k.a. Hero's Quest) (Egg id: 117)

Look at the Antwerp on the wall. The Guys from Andromeda is a reference to Space Quest creators Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe.

Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon (Egg id: 92)

At the end of the game Roger Wilco and the Andromedans land at the Sierra offices in Oakhurst. Ken Williams greets them and hires both Andromedans as programmers.

Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (Egg id: 99)

When arriving at the Galaxy Galleria, there's a huge crowd in the front of the Software Excess store. When talking to one of the people in the crowd, he'll inform you that "The Two Geeks from Andromeda are in there, signing copies of their latest release." Try using the talk icon some additional times for a laugh.

Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (VGA) (Egg id: 463)

Game designers Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe make an appearance as the Guys from Andromeda during the acid pool and laser fence death sequences in the Kerona cave.

Conquests of the Longbow: Legend of Robin Hood (Egg id: 234)

The fair in Nothingham is full of cameos and references.

Screen 2:
- The woman in the green dress on the top center, named Mistress Hayasher (referring to programmer Yoko Hayashi), says "I would dearly love some raw fish and rice."
- The person in orange clothing, sitting near the fence, named Morgan Creek, says "5 marks for a piece of Sir Kevin's leather, and no sniffing allowed in the vicinity.". Morgan Creek Entertainment was the company that produced Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Sir Kevin could also be a reference to Kevin Costner, who played Robin in that movie. (thanks to Graham Fielding for pointing out the Morgan Creek reference).
- On the bottom right you can find Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe, a.k.a. the Two Guys from Andromeda, a.k.a. the designers of the Space Quest series. When talking to Mark (on the right), he says "Look at this place! They don't use janitors here. A sanitation specialist would die from breathing the air.", to which Scott replies "But they have lots of guys named Roger. They're all over the place." and "I can see it now - Roger Wilco Meets Robin Hood! Olde England Plunges to new Depths of Excitement as.." and Mark interrupts "You're not convincing me." When first talking to Scott (on the left), he says "Think of the potential' 'Two Guys From Nothingham' has a real ring to it." to which Mark replies "I don't know. Lacks a little something.". Scott continues "We can wear funny codpieces where they belong instead of on our faces!" and Mark replies "You're not convincing me."

Police Quest IV: Open Season (Egg id: 129)

When using the elevator at Parker Center to floors 2 or 5, there's a queue of people blocking your path, presumably Sierra employees. The people standing there are randomly picked each time your reach the floor, but one of them is undeniably Scott Murphy, even referred to as an Andromedan. Looking at the people, there are also references to actors Don Johnson, Steven Seagal, and Jodie Foster, who all played cops in movies.
On floor 6, you'll find Daryl F. Gates, each time telling you a different line, including the explicit "Tell the media to go f' themselves". On the morning of day 2 (the morning after the alley crime scene), there will be a janitor instead.