Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned


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Montreaux agrees to show the cellar
The wine cellar
Gabriel is running his mouth
Montreaux picks a bottle
Gabe just keeps yapping away
Montraux presents a bottle
Stop shaking that bottle!
Pretending to be an expert
The bottle dropped
Gabe cut himself
Montreaux licks his fingers
Montreaux stares at Gabe's throat
Better to get out of here...
Montreaux laughs as Gabe runs off
The garage door is open
A car arrives as Gabe enters the garage
Very dark in here
Turning on the light
The black Sedan!
What is up there?
Leaving the garage
Peaking around the corner
People are talking outside
The men from the train!
Sneaking away
Marceaux sees Gabriel
The vampire recognizes Gabe
Gabe runs for his life
Escape with the Harley
Day 3: 6pm - 9pm
Following Emilio
Hiding behid the tomb
Mesmi bows for Emilio
Mesmi and Emilio have a secret meeting
Emilio should not be here
Emilio assures nobody knows who he is
The men leave the graveyard
Trnaslation of the symbols
Match with Estelle's print
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