Hoyle Official Book of Games: Volume 1


Opening screen

When you load Hoyle's, there will be an animated opening sequence. To bypass this sequence and go directly into the game choice screen, press [ENTER] or click the left mouse button. You will be asked to input your name. If you have played Hoyle before, the name shown will be that of the player who last played and you may use that name again by simply pressing [ENTER] or you may change the name.

After inputting your name you will see 9 card designs on the left hand side of the screen. There will be a frame around 1 of the decks showing that it is already chosen. If you want, you can choose another deck of cards to play with. If you choose another deck and use the SAVE SETUP option (see game menu), your new choice will become the default deck.

On the right hand side of the screen is a list of six card games. They are:

- Crazy Eights
- Old Maid
- Hearts
- Gin Rummy
- Cribbage
- Klondike (solitaire)

The menus

At the top of the screen is a menu bar containing four menus - Sierra (logo), game, speed and sound. Within each menu are a number of choices (commands) you can make. Menu settings saved using the SAVE SETUP option will become your new default values until another setup is saved.

The Sierra menu

About Hoyle contains information about the program.
Help contains general information about using the mouse, keyboard and menus in the game. Help can also be chosen by pressing [F1].

The game menu

Start a new game will allow you to exit the current game in order to play a different game, or, you may simply reset the current game's scores. Start a new game can also be chosen by pressing [F9].
Save setup allows you to save changes you have made to any of the game setups and the speed menu. these changes will be written to your game disk, and will become your default setup each time you play Hoyle. the y can be overwritten at any time by saving a different setup. Because this menu item writes to your disk, please be sure to remove any write protection before you save setup (in case you still play from a floppy). Save setup can also be chosen by pressing [CTRL-S].
Quit causes you to exit the Hoyle program. You will be asked to confirm whether you want to quit. Quit can also be chosen by pressing [CTRL-Q].
Turn conversation on/off toggles the other characters conversing between themselves or with you, the player. This does not affect dialogue necessary for game play.

the speed menu

When you choose a speed setting, a box will appear to allow you to change the speed of some aspect of the game. 1 is the fastest setting. Click the mouse on the desired speed setting, or use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired setting and press [ENTER].

Deal speed sets the speed at which the cards are dealt in the game. When no speed is chosen, the deal speed will be set to the default. Deal speed may be selected by pressing [CTRL-D]
Play speed sets the speed at which cards are played in the game. When no speed is chosen, the play speed will be set to the default. Play speed may be selected by pressing [CTRL-P]
Delay speed sets the speed of the delay between game actions. When no speed is chosen, the delay speed will be set to the default. Delay speed may be selected by pressing [CTRL-W]
Animation speed sets the speed of the character animation. When no speed is chosen, the animation speed will be set to the default. Animation speed may be selected by pressing [CTRL-A]

The sound menu

Volume allows you to set the volume of game sounds when the sould is toggled on. When no vilume is chosen, the volume will be set to the default. Volume may also be chosen by pressing [CTRL-V].
Sound on/off toggles the game sound on and off. Sound can also be toggled on or off by pressing F2.

Within some games there is also a menu containing choices specific to that game. These menus will be discussed in those specific game sections.

Using the menus

If you are using a mouse, move the arrow to the menu name, then click and hold the left mouse button to open the men. Drag the mouse to the command you want to select. Release the mouse to execute the command you have selected. If you are using the keyboard, press [ESC] to enter the menu bar. Use the right and left arrows to open menus to the right and left, and the up and down arrows to select menu commands. Press [ENTER] to execute the command you have selected.

Using mouse and keyboard in the games


To select a card, click once on the card. The card will now be shadowed, to show it has been selected. To de-select a card you have selected, click on the card again. To play a card you have selected, click the mouse once where you wish to place the card (for example, click once on a card you want to discard, then once on the discard pile). To move cards in your hand, hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse from the card you want to move to the new position. the card that you are moving will appear in front of the card to which you are pointing. In a game where a great deal of rearranging is necessary, a SORT feature is available on the game screen.


To select a card, place the cursor on the card and press [ENTER]. The card will now be shadowed, to show it has been selected. To de-select a card you have selected, press [ENTER] again. To play a card you have selected, move the cursor to the place you want to play the card and press [ENTER]. You may also simply press [INSERT] on a selected card and the card will play to the proper place. To move a card, place the cursor on the card you want to move and press [ENTER] to select it. Place the cursor at the desired position and press [ENTER] again. The card will appear at the new position. In a game where a great deal of rearranging is necessary, a SORT feature is available on the game screen.

Choose players

Unless you have chosen Klondike, you will now be shown a screen with eighteen possible opposing players. A message at the top of the screen will tell you how many players you may pick to make up a game.

Click once on a player, (or place the cursor and press [ENTER]) to see an introduction to that player. Click a second time (or press [ENTER]) to select the character.When you have selected a character, a frame will appear around the character's face. Click a third time (or press [ENTER]) if you wish do de-select a character. When you de-select a character, the frame will disappear. when you have chosen the desired opponents, click on the button (or press [ENTER]) at the top of the screen that reads HERE. the character screen will disappear and the game will appear.