Traveller's Tales


(from the company's website)

TT Games was established in 2005 with the merger of publisher Giant Interactive and the developer Traveller's Tales. It was then acquired by Warner Bros. in 2007. The company is proud to continue its mission to be the leading publisher of interactive entertainment for young gamers and their families as part of Time Warner Inc.

Traveller's Tales have been making brilliant games for more than 15 years, with over 45 million copies sold to date. The company employs more than 150 people, with a studio in Knutsford under the leadership of Managing Director Jon Burton.

Giant Interactive Entertainment was established by Managing Director, Tom Stone and Head of Production, Jonathan Smith in 2004. The company is based in Maidenhead, England.

The first title to come from the TT Games partnership was the award winning LEGO Star Wars: The Videogame. This won over audiences both young and old alike, achieving critical acclaim rarely matched for a title aimed at children. The game has gone on to sell over 5 million units worldwide.