Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within


The subway map of Munich and surroundings

Lochham: This is where the Huberfarm is located, and where Gabriel starts the game. Since this is the place where Gabe stays, he will come back here on a regular basis throughout the chapters.
Thalkirchen: where the zoo is. Thalkirchen gets unlocked when Gabriel reads te newspaper on the table at the Huberfarm. Gabriel will only need to go there twice, and only in the first chapter: once to interrogate Thomas and Herr Doctor Klingman, the second time to get access to the wolf exhibit.
Prinzregentenplatz: where the police station is. Prinzregentenplatz gets unlocked when Gabriel reads te newspaper on the table at the Huberfarm. Gabriel will have to go there each chapter.
Marienplatz: The center of Munich is unlocked from the beginning, but not all locations within Marienplatz are. Gabriel's lawyer office gets unlocked after Gabe reads the letter from Ubergrau, Hoffen und Schnell. The Weisswurst vendor becomes useful in chapter 5. The cuckoo clock salesman is accesible in chapter 3 only. Then in the Dienerstrasse there's a post office from where Gabe will send letters to Grace. The Royal Bavarian Hunting Club in the Dienerstrasse unlocks after Gabriel reads the carbon text on Klingmann's receipt.
Universitat: the university gets unlocked after Gabriel has asked Ubergrau about where he can find an animal biologist. Gabriel will have to go there just once in the first chapter with 3 pieces of evidence (2 hair samples and a paw print).
Perlach: The house of Baron Von Glower gets unlocked in chapter 3 after Gabe examines the baron's card. He will have to go there just once for a long conversation.
Buchenau: Dorn's illegal animal center gets unlocked after Gabriel retrieves Grossberg's sheet at the police station in chapter 5.

The roadmap of Bavaria

Rittersberg: Rittersberg is of course where Grace is staying, and she won't be able to leave the place until chapter 4. Rittersberg is home to the Ritter Castle, which contains the Ritter Library, a wealthy source of information. The village itself has the Goldener Lowe, the hotel/restaurant of Werner Huber where the Smiths are staying. The town also has a small townhall, a post office and the Saint-George Church with the Ritter crypt.
Neuschwanstein: Accesible in chapter 4 after Grace reads Gabriel's letter and obtains his car keys from Gerde. Make sure to observe everything here, otherwise the chapter will not complete. Grace will have to return here in chapter 6 as well.
Herrenchiemsee: The Ludwig Museum also unlocks in chapter 4 after Grace reads Gabriel's letter and obtains his car keys from Gerde. Again make sure to observe everything here. Grace will have to come here just once.
Bayreuth: The Wagner museum unlocks in chapter 4 after Grace asks the woman in the Ludwig museum about Wagner. Georg Immerding works there as concierge.
Seeshaupt: Seeshaupt gets unlocked after Grace calls her Dallmeier who invites her to this place where Ludwig's body was found.
Altotting: the place, where Ludwig's heart urn is kept, unlocks from the beginning of chapter 6.

The map of the forests around the hunting lodge

Note that the top row of this map is continous, so you can continue walking east (or west) and make loops all the time. This map is usefull when it comes to the hunting of the wolf at the end of chapter 5. This hunt occurs during the night, but you can easily recognize the locations. The bottom right screen is where the access to the cave is. You have to avoid going there during the hunt at night, since it's a dead end. Instead, try to get the wolf to bottom left screen where the ravin is in order to finish the hunting scene.

The theater basement

This is where the final battle takes place between Gabriel and Von Glower as they are both in wolf form. Let's call the rows 1, 2 and 3 while the columns are A throughout D. Gabriel is shown as the blue triangle while Von Glower is represented by the red square. Gabriel starts in room A1, while Von Glower starts in D3.
Von Glower will always try to avoid being in the same room as Gabriel and will try to escape. The only escape route lies in room A3 (left bottom), so you're going to have to close off that one first. Then it is just a matter of getting Von Glower to the heating room (D4, bottom right) by chasing him and closing doors. Make sure you don't 1) trap yourself or 2) trap Von Glower anywhere else than the heating room. Here is one way to do it:

- go to A3 and close the northern door
- go to B3 and close the northern door
- go to C3 and close the northern door
- go to D3 and close the western door
- go to D2 and close the western door
- go to C2 and close the northern door
- go to B2 and close the northern door
- now go all the way to the heating room and Von Glower will have no choice but to go there too.