Lunar Leeper



It's a mission of mercy! You must save your men from Lunar Leepers while you try to avoid the little critters. Naturally they are trying to get you too. So pluck your men from danger and drop them to the safety of the cliff while you can an eye out for those Leepers and other Lunar hazards.

To control with a joystick, move the joystick in the desired direction to move the ship up, down, left or right. To fire, move the joystick left or right and press the fire button.

When playing with a keyboard, you will be asked to select keys for up, down, left and right, and keys to fire left and right. Then press "Y" to confirm or "N" to change your key selections.

The game begins in Level 1 unless you choose a more difficult level (see special commands below). There are eight levels with two stages at each level. Each level is harder than the last one.

Stage 1

You are traveling right along your screen avoiding Leepers when, Aha! You have spotted one of your men. Land on his head to pick him up, and transport him back to the safety of the cliff while watching out for Leepers at the same time.
Continue rescuing men until all of them are gone or all Leepers are killed. There are cliffs at both ends of the playing field, so use the one that is closest, using the minimap at the bottom of the screen to see your position.

When you have rescued all of your men or killed all of the Leepers, you will advance to stage 2. The more Leepers you leave behind, the more points you will earn. Shoot as few as possible. Your fuel, displayed on the right of the screen, will not last forever. When your tank is half full a refueling station will appear at the base of the cliffs on both ends of the playing field. Refuel as often as necessary. If you run out of fuel, you will crash at the bottom of the screen. Refueling restores your supply of bullets too.

To make the game tough,there are no brakes. There is an inertia meter to help you. Allow time and space to avoid the Leepers' jaws.

Saving men: 300 points each
Shooting Leepers: 20 points each
Lunars left: 1000 points each
Men eaten: -500 points each

Stage 2

Now you are traveling inside a cave. Your mission: destroy the giant eyeball at the end of the tunnel. You better be speedy because there are no refueling stations in caves. So don't waste time.

Oh, we almost forgot, watch out for Trabants and laser turrets, the eyeball protectors. You will have to shoot your way through them to get to the eyeball. When the giant eyeball is destroyed, you will start Stage 1 of the next more difficult level.

Trabants: 20 points each
Shooting eyeball: 2500 points

Special commands

ESC: Pause play (press ESC again to continue)
CTRL-R: Restart game
CTRL-S: turn sound on/off
CTRL-I: change the controls
CTRL-L: change difficulty

To set horizontal sensitivity when using the joystick, type 1, 2 or 3 with 1 being most sensitive and 3 being least sensitive.

The other seven levels

The better you get at saving men and killing Trabants, the tougher your mission. Each successful mission you will will be followed by a tougher one: more Leepers, more Trabants, and more excitement!
In the upper challenge levels, Trabants will try to hit you in the first Stage. these cannot be killed and must be avoided to survive. After the second Level, there are more and faster Trabants You'll have to be on your toes every minute. GOOD LUCK!!!

At the end of the game, high scores are recorded.