After Dark Classic



After installing After Dark Classic, click the After Dark item in the Windows After Dark menu group. The main menu will appear.

- Click on the far upper left control to close After Dark
- Click on the upper left logo to see the credits.
- The upper right on/off switch turns After Dark on or off. If switched off, screen saving will not occur.
- Click the upper right Setup button for the Setup window to appear. See more below.
- In the large left panel the After Dark Classic screensavers are listed. Click one to select it. If you have other Berkeley Systems screensavers, you will find them in the pull-down menu at the top. you can also select the Randomizer in the pull-down menu to set multiple displays (see details below).
- In the large right panel are the display settings of the currently selected screensaver. Each screensaver has its own settings.
- Click the arrows of the speaker icon to control the volume for the selected screensaver.
- Press the Demo button to preview the currently selected display. While in demo mode, the display settings panel will still be visible and can be altered to try different settings. Click the Stop button to leave demo mode.
- The bottom panel displays the icon, credits and original year of release of the currently selected screensaver. Click on it when your cursor is a question mark to open a panel with further details.
- Click on the bottom right question mark button to access help in a Windows Help document.


Click the Setup button in the upper right corner of the Main Menu for the After Dark Setup window to appear.

The General Setup panel controls your screensaver's sleep time, Hot Key, Sleep Corners, SystemIQ and several other features. the Setup screen is divided into four sections.


Press the General icon to access After Dark features such as sleep time and SystemIQ.

- Sleep in: After Dark puts your screen to sleep after your computer has been idle for this many minutes. change the time by typing in a new number in this text box entry.
- Black rectangle: this rectangle is a representation of your actual screen. the + symbol represents the Sleep Now corner. You can put the screen to sleep instantly by moving the mouse into this corner. The - symbol represents the Sleep Never corner. You can prevent After Dark from sleeping by leaving your cursor in the Never Sleep corner of your screen. You can change the positions of the Sleep Now and Sleep Never corners by click-and-dragging the + and - symbols to different corners of the representative screen.
- No Control Corners: Check the No Control Corners box to disable the sleep corners feature.
- Mute Sound: Check the Mute Sound box to prevent After Dark from playing any music or sound.
- Hide When Minimized: Check the Hide When Minimized box to prevent the After Dark icon from appearing on your desktop, even when After Dark is active.
- SystemIQ Activity Monitor: Check the SystemIQ Activity Monitor box to turn on SystemIQ, which makes After Dark more sensitive to your system's workload, including monitoring com port activity and CPU load. the Sensitivity menu determines how sensitive SystemQ is. A low settings means After Dark will activate even if there's a fairly large amount of system activity. A medium setting is somewhere in between. Experiment to find out which setting is best for you.
- Wake on Mouse Movement:With the Wake on Mouse Movement checkbox selected, moving the mouse will wake up After Dark.
- Sleep Hot Key: Change the Sleep Hot Key by selecting on e from the drop-down box. Unclick the Shift box if you just want a CTRL combination. the default Hot Key is CTRL-SHIFT-S.
- Click OK to save your changes, Cancel to close Setup without saving changes, or Help to get online help.


Press the Password icon to access After Dark security features. After Dark can protect your system with a password you choose. When After Dark sleeps with password protection on, you can access your system only if you type in the correct password. If you forget your password, relax, then check the troubleshooting section for instructions.

- Set Password: Click Set Password to create a new password or change your old one.
- Always Use Password: Check the Always Use Password Box to make After Dark always require a password before it wakes up.
- Use System/Network Password: Check the Use System/Network Password box to make After Dark use your Novell Netware, or Windows 95 system password. (in the image above it is grayed out because we captured it in Windows 3x).
- WindowShutter Locked: Check the WindowShutter Locked box to password protect entry to Windows. You will be prompted to enter your password every time you start Windows.
- Click OK to save your changes, Cancel to exit without saving changes, or Help to access online help.


Press the Advanced Options icon to access After Dark Advanced Options. Advanced Options allow you to quickly and easily update your collection of After Dark displays; it also lets you control how After Dark interacts with your system.

- Update Module List: If you've added new displays or created a new display folder, click Update Module List to update After Dark immediately.
- Reset Module Settings: Click Reset Module Settings to reset all displays to their default settings.
- Use Custom VGA Palette (16-+Color Modes Only): If you have 16-color display, some displays may have strange colors. Uncheck this box to force After Dark to use the standard VGA palette.
- Allow Screen Saving in DOS sessions: Click this box to run the screen saver if you are idle in full-screen DS sessions under Windows.
- Enable "Please Wake Up" Banners: Click this box to update the After Dark Display List every time After Dark is started.
- Click OK to save your changes, Cancel to exit without saving changes, or Help to access online help.


Press the EcoLogic icon to access After Dark's energy saving features. EcoLogic is AfterDark's power manager. EcoLogic reduces your computer's power consumption by powering off your monitor. After a display runs for the time period that you choose, your screen saver displays a countdown animation to let you know that EcoLogic is about to turn off your Enery Star monitor. At the end of the countdown, EcoLogic blanks your screen and shuts down your Energy Star monitor. Non-Energy Star monitors go black.

- : click this box to turn on energy saving. With EcoLogic turned off, the screensaver will run normally and your monitor will not power off. Your Estimated Annual Savings are based on EcoLogic's current settings.
- Sleep After: this slider determines when After Dark will go to sleep (this will simultaneously change the Sleep Time in General setup).
- Shutdown Monitor After: this slider determines the amount of idle time After Dark waits before shutting down your monitor. During this time, the screen saver will run.
- Shut Down Monitor Only After 5 PM: Check this box to shut down your monitor only after 5:00 p.m.
- Monitor: Select your monitor type from the Type pull-down menu. the nergy usage of your monitor will be reflected in the box below. check the EnergyStar Compliant box if your monitor is Energy Star compliant.
- Energy Cost: Type in your area's electricity costs in the $ per kilowatt Hour text entry box.
- Click OK to save your changes, Cancel to exit without saving changes, or Help to access online help.


Can't decide which display to use? With Randomizer you can use all your favorite displays. Just select your favorites and Randomizer will display them in order or randomly. You can also decide how long each display runs.
To create your first Randomizer, select Randomizer from the screensaver pull-down menu, and click on the New button.

- In the left frame, select your screensaver from the pull-down menu. Use this menu to select displays from other screensavers. Then double-click (or single-click and press the Add button) the displays you want in your Randomizer. You can also press the Select All button to select all the displays and click the Add button.
- the Display List in the center shows the order in which the displays will run if you choose In Order from the main Randomizer Menu. the Up and Down buttons will move a display up or down the list. Use them to order the displays however you wish. You can also remove a display from the Display List by select it and pressing the Remove button.
- The right Control Panel displays the settings of the currently selected screensaver. You can adjust them to your liking - this does not affect the display settings outside of the Randomizer.
- Click the arrows of the speaker icon to control the volume for the selected screensaver. However, the Speaker Icon on the main Randomizer menu determines the maximum volume for all displays in Randomizer. Press the Demo button to preview the currently selected display.
- The Duration slider controls the amount of time each display runs. if Default is selected, the display will run for the Default duration chosen in the main Randomizer menu.
- Type in a unique name for your Randomizer creation in the Setup Name text entry box. It will appear in the display list whenever you select Randomizer from the screensaver pop-up menu.
- Click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.