Easter Eggs in Space Quest VI: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier
Egg id: 107
Stooge Fighter III
If you play Stooge Fighter III on the birthdays of three programmers, the names of the stooges will change. The following birthdays work:
- Michael Lytton April 11th
- Steve Conrad January 3rd
- William Shockley December 29th
If you Ctrl+Click on the video screen behind Sidney in 8-Rear 7 times, the programmer's "Renegade Credits" will appear, concluded by Roger saying "I'm Roger Wilco and I'll kick your ass! I know where you live".
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Egg id: 109
Headless Sidney
If you enter 8-Rear and your computer date is set to Halloween (31st Oct) or Michael Lytton's birthday (April 11), Circuit Sydney's head will start following you around, with its eyes glowing.
If there's a nebulae in the 8-Rear window, click on it several times. Eventually it should start to palette cycle. This doesn't work with most Space Quest 6 versions.
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Egg id: 112
Shuttle movies
While in the shuttle cockpit, gain access to a menu of the game's various cut scenes by turning the power on, opening the glove box, pressing the Movies button and pressing the red button on the right steering wheel.
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Egg id: 113
Shuttle games
While in the shuttle cockpit, see a tribute to SQ6 co-designer Josh Mandel by turning the power on, opening the glove box, pressing the Games button and pressing the red button on the right steering wheel.
In the cyberspace office, clicking the EYE-cursor on the background produces the response: "You saw it here first. A preview of the famed information superhighway. Wow!". However, after several more clicks, the narrator will say: "Wow! This makes my nipples hard!" instead.
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Egg id: 115
Space Quest 7 - Space Quest Team
In the cyberspace file room, there's a secret drawer under "S", that you don't really need in order to complete the game. Among the files in the drawers, two instantly spring to eye: "Space Quest 7" and "Space Quest Team".
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Egg id: 34
Marriage proposal
Among the many movie titles on the Polysorbate Theater-marquee, one reads "MICHELE ALESHIRE, WILL YOU MARRY ME?". Michele Aleshire was William Shockley's fiancee. They got married a short time after Space Quest 6 was completed.
Use the hand icon on the computer in Luella Parker's office to get a reference to "Space Quest V: The Final Frontier". The real title of Space Quest V, released a bit before Police Quest 4, is actually "Space Quest V: The Next Mutation". Space Quest VI on the other hand was titled "The Spinal Frontier" but wasn't released until late 1995. Weird uh?