Ernie Chan passes awayTweetNews ID: 165 Date: 2012-05-17 Source: Sierra Chest On Thursday, May 17, comic book artist and Sierra artist Ernie Chan passed away. Mr. Chan was most known for his work on Batman comics, as well as other heroes, such as the Hulk, Wonderwoman and many more. In the early eighties, he then started on comics of Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonja, which many fans consider to be among the best art of Mr. Chan's legacy. In the early nineties, Mr. Chan also worked for a few years at Sierra On-Line in Oakhurst, as guidebook illustrator for Quest for Glory 2, artist of King's Quest V and as animator, background artist and guidebook illustrator of Conquests of the Longbow. We wish to express our condolences to Mr. Chan's family and friends. Rest in Peace, Mr. Chan. Your legacy will live on.