Loading instructions: Disk:
Turn on the power to the drive, then the computer and monitor. Insert disk into drive and close the door. When screen says "ready", type LOAD LEARNING, 8, 1 and press return. Plug joystick into Port #2.
Loading instructions: Cartridge:
With computer off, insert cartridge (face up) into the slot to the right. Turn on the power. Plug joystick into Port #2.
Keys F1 brings up the menu. F3 advances game to the next higher level when there is one, or will change to another picture in screen painting.
All games are played with a joystick. Be certain it is plugged into Port #2 of the computer.
Atari instructions
Keys System reset can be used any time, restores the title page and returns all games to the beginning skill level. Option: screen painting game only. Toggles between white and black backgrounds. Select: advances game to the next higher level when there is one, or will change to another picture in screen painting. Start brings up the menu.
All games are played with a joystick. Be certain it is plugged into Port #1.
Your ROM cartridge should be inserted in the left cartridge slot.
Main menu
The pictures in the corners represent the four games. Using the joystick, your child can choose a game by moving Leeper to the chosen picture and pressing the button.
The games
Dog Count
The object of the game is to feed the correct number of bones to the corresponding number of dogs. You need not be concerned about incorrect responses since your child will learn from the animated feedback.
Number concepts are developed by counting concrete objects, grouping by sight, and making associations with numerals.
Balloon Pop
The object of this six-level game is to match the display shape by moving the balloon to the corresponding shape at the bottom. Levels 2-6 will only appear when a passable score is made on the level before.
Reading readiness skills are developed by recognizing and matching shapes. This game prepares children to discriminate between the many shapes that letters and numerals take.
Leap Frog
The object of this game is to move the frog through the maze with minimal wall collisions. A more challenging maze awaits the successful player the next time Leap Frog is chosen.
In order to write, the eye and hand must be trained to work together. Eye-hand coordination is developed when children take the frog through the maze.
Screen Painting
The object of this game is to draw/paint a picture. The cursor will pick up a color when the button is pressed. It will release that color when the button is pressed again.
Eye-hand coordination skills are reinforced by moving the joystick to draw or paint a picture. Creative play is enhanced when children are able to express their own ideas graphically.