King's Quest Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause


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Graham must clean up webs
Graham must clean up webs
Mr. Fancycakes is captured and ill
Cleaning up a spider web
Guards proceed up the stairs
Graham follows the guards
Prison corridor
Prison corridor
Prison staircase
Prison staircase
Level 2 intersection
Level 2 bridge
Wente and Bramble's cell
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Bramble is ill
Bramble is ill
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Meeting Wente and Bramble
Cleaning up a spider web
Level 2 side passage
Gold coin at a toy horse
Gold coin at a toy horse
Gold coin out of reach
Level 2 side passage
Tunnel to the Hobblepots
Tunnel to the Hobblepots
Hobblepots' cell
Meeting the Hobblepots
Meeting the Hobblepots
Meeting the Hobblepots
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