King's Quest Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember


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Olfie gives his horn mouthpiece
Olfie gives his horn mouthpiece
Graham leaves the eye presentation
Graham leaves the eye presentation
Graham calls Olfie
Olfie arrives at the theater
Olfie grabs a guard
Olfie grabs a guard
Olfie's eye is accepted
Compassion: Gwendolyn gives a cupcake to Mr. Springbottom
Compassion: Gwendolyn gives a cupcake to Mr. Springbottom
Compassion: Gwendolyn dances with Mr. Springbottom
Compassion: Gwendolyn dances with Mr. Springbottom
Graham buys a pumpkin lantern
Graham colors the pumpkin lantern
Acorn's finished trap
Wolf cave
Wolf cave
Wolf cave
Acorn kicks Graham out
Acorn kicks Graham out
Entering the eye presentation
Fake snarling snarlax eye
Whisper is confused about Graham's eye
Eye presentation
Wisdom: Gwendolyn attacks Mr. Springbottom
Wisdom: Gwendolyn attacks Mr. Springbottom
Wisdom: Gwendolyn attacks Mr. Springbottom
Wisdom: Gwendolyn attacks Mr. Springbottom
Revealing the tournament board
Revealing the tournament board
Revealing the tournament board
Revealing the tournament board
Volunteer to find Achaka
Volunteer to find Achaka
Tournament board
Whisper's portrait
Triumph is trapped
Chasm to the Goblin mountain
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