Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh


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Tom hears somebody behind him
Tom gets dragged from underneath his desk
A sledgehammer swings in the air
Tom's death
Blood splats on the screen
Curtis hears about Tom's death
Powell arrives at Curtis' home
Powell suspects Curtis
Something appears in the ceiling
A claw is about to crush Powell's head
Curtis can't watch it anymore
Curtis gives himself the finger
Curtis hits the bookcase
Blob chews on a beating heart
Curtis reads a letter from his mother
The letter turns into a squished eyeball
Curtis sees Tom in his cubicle
Trevor wants Curtis to go somewhere far
Curtis gets angry at Dr. Harbur
Dr. Harbur reports a psychotic episode
Jocilyn visits Curtis
Jocilyn is sad about Tom
Jocilyn wants sex
Jocilyn sees Curtis' whip marks
Curtis' eyes shoot lightning
Another vision through the mirror
Curtis unlocks Warner's door
Curtis increases his card key level
The hecatomb appears on the monitor
Curtis forces the drawer open
Curtis heads for the lower level
Curtis arrives at the lower level
Curtis walks through a long corridor in the lower level
Curtis remembers his father and Warner in the Threshold room
A mental patient dies, seeing the Threshold
Curtis finds a toy car in the corridor
Young Curtis in Wyntec's lower level
Curtis prepares to enter the next corridor section
Young Curtis enters the Threshold room
Warner considers pushing young Curtis in the Threshold
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