Lords of the Realm II


Even in the 13th century, government was as much about political backscratching - not to mention back stabbing - than the ability to lead. The balance of power is often a delicate matter that rests precariously upon loyalties, betrayals, favors and deceits. You are but one of many seeking the throne. How you interact with the others is entirely up to you. Will you make alliances and remain loyal to your friends? Will you lie and doublecross, bringing ruin to those hapless souls who trusted you? Or will you be a lone wolf, shunning diplomacy altogether? The choice is yours. As you play, you will get to know your opponents well. Study their words and actions - history's great leaders often display an uncanny ability to read the minds of their enemies.

The Knight
What he lacks in maturity, patience, and tact, the Knight makes up for in daring. He is zealous and cocksure, and he loves nothing more than to show off his prowess on the battlefield. The Knight favors lightning strikes and invasions, often taking weaker opponents by complete surprise early on. He has been knows to work his peasantry to the point of cruelty in order to produce and support his ruffian armies. The Knight is a would-be warrior king, but he is no statesman. His road to the throne lies on the battlefield, not in the negotiating chambers. His demeanor is rough, power-hungry, and base - but his sword is always polished.
The Countess
Her trail is strewn with the ruined souls of all who have underestimates her. The Countess is a master of diplomacy, but her lust for power will always win out over honesty or loyalty. She will treat her friends with grace and respect - until she no longer has use for them. Highly intelligent, eloquent, and well-schooled, the Countess has no doubt that she is destined to rule all, and she has yet to meet an adversary she could not ruin with ease. Beware of the Countess. Her mien is regal and her countenance is fair, but her tactics are cruel and her terrible resolve will not be denied. Ally yourself with her at your own risk.
The Bishop
Do not expect the Bishop to bow easily - he has God on his side. Cloistered in his clerical fortress, he and his Council of Elders plot endlessly to further the cause of the Church - not to mention their own wealth, power, and prestige. The Bishop wields enormous influence with his infinitely loyal following, but he tends to hide behind the altar as soon as trouble breaks. The Bishop will be bold, pompous, and mocking when he is on top, but cowardly and grovelling when he is cornered. Don't be fooled by his pious prattle. His Grace covets but one sacrament - the crown.
The Baron
The Baron is the elder statesman of the group. His years of experience have taught him that order arises from cold calculation rather than passion or empathy. The Baron believes he is the only soul who possesses the maturity and discipline to be King. He will take no pleasure in crushing his opponents no, he'll do it simply because it is necessary to secure his ascension to the throne. His rule is solid and practical, but his detachment makes him unyielding and severe. He has a strong sense of dignity and deals swiftly with those who would challenge it. His realm is ruled by a hard and oppressive brand of justice. His people are obedient, but they live in fear.


Your relationships with the other players will develop through an ongoing exchange of messages. To send a message, click on the Diplomacy button on the control panel. The diplomacy panel will appear.

Each turn you may send one message to each of the other players. To send a message, click on the portrait of the intended recipient. A highlight will frame the selected player and the message options on the right will display all your message options for that player. Select the type of message you would like to send. A panel will appear, containing a suggested message of that type. You may keep the default message, or you may type in your own message. Click on the thumbs up gauntlet to dispatch the message. It will arrive at its destination, and you should receive a response in the beginning of the next season. In multiplayer games, human players receive messages instantly.

Sending gifts

You may send a monetary gift to another player by selecting Dispatch Gift from the message panel. A gift can boost your standing in the eyes of the recipient. Beware though, if a gift is too small it may have the opposite effect. When you select this option from the message panel, a second panel will appear. Use the up and down arrows to set the amount of your gift. Then click on the thumbs up gauntlet to dispatch the gift.

Compliments and insults

Compliments provide a free way to gain favor with selected opponents. You may want to send compliments to players who are especially powerful, who pose a danger to you, or whose services might be valuable later on. Be careful not to compliment too frequently though. Excess in this area can be a transparent attempt to manipulate. Your opponents (for the most part) are not stupid. Too many kind words can work against you in the long run.
An insult is likely to hurt your relationship with the recipient. Sending insults is a good way to let an enemy know exactly how you feel.

Friend or Foe?

The message panel displays a picture of each opponent remaining in the game. The colored bar next to each portrait shows the current state of your relationship with that player. A higher bar reflects a friendlier relationship; a lower bar reflects a more hostile relationship. The color of the bar will also reflect the nature of the relationship (red=hostile, blue=indifferent, green = friendly).

If you anger an opponent badly enough, he or she will become an enemy. A symbol will appear next to each opponent you have so offended. Once an opponent reaches enemy status, he or she will remain so for the rest of the game. Enemy status represents an irreparable breach between two players.

The higher an opponent's opinion of you, the less likely he or she is to attack you, or to refuse an alliance should you request one. As favor drops, an opponent is more likely to attack or to refuse a friendly overture.


To aid your quest for the crown, you may choose to form alliances with your opponents. Provided you are not allied yet with any player, you may initiate an alliance with another player by choosing Offer an Alliance from the message panel. The player may or may not accept your offer. Likewise, another player may offer you an alliance. Accept or reject it as you will, but choose your friends wisely! Make and break alliances to your advantage, and remember: in the end there is only one winner.

An alliance gives you options you do not have when you go it alone. When you select an ally on the message panel, additional message options will appear. You may:

Terminate your alliance: Once an alliance benefits you no more, you should terminate it. Terminating an alliance is the honorable way to say farewell.
Ask ally for help: If one of your counties is under attack, you may ask an ally to send troops to your aid. This request comes in especially handy if you are the target of a siege.
Ask ally to attack: You may also ask an ally to attack another county. When you select this option, a small map will appear, allowing you to choose your target.

You always have the option to doublecross your allies, but this is not a wise course of action. When you attack an ally without first terminating your alliance, all other players will be hesitant to trust you in the future. All will be more willing to attack you and less willing to form alliances with you. A safer route is to simply terminate an alliance you no longer need, and then launch your attack.