Contract J.A.C.K.

Easter eggs

Easter Eggs in Contract J.A.C.K.

Egg id: 221

Cate Archer makes a quick cameo in person during the opening scene of Chapter 3: Welcome to Czechoslovakia.

TAGSNo One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in Harm's Way

Egg id: 222

Strange creature in the moon base

In the battery recharger room of the moon base, you can hear something snarling and giggling and it appears he occasionally also says "Gollum, Gollum". There is a panel in the corner under two arrow shapes that can be activated, revealing this strange creature in a hidden room. It appears Gollum from Lord of the Rings made it into the game though the resemblance is rather questionable.

TAGSNo tags

Egg id: 43

In Chapter 1: The Proposition, on the billboard across the message machine are several references to the NOLF series. The opera poster is Inge Wagner from NOLF 1. The pink paper with 3 girls are the three assassins Cate needs to kill at the end of NOLF 1. La Troupe refers to La Troupe de Pantomine from NOLF 2, a group of mime cronies, headed by Pierre, who was hired by the Director to kill Cate Archer.

Also, the "how to pick up classy chicks by Steven Lee" likely refers to Steve Lee, a Senior 2D/3D Artist of Contract J.A.C.K.

TAGSOperative (the): No One Lives Forever: Game of the Year Edition, No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in Harm's Way, Steve Lee

Egg id: 220

There are some Wanted posters hanging around for Cate Archer. We've noticed them in Chapter 2: Trial by Gunfire, and Chapter 7: Il Pazzo.

TAGSOperative (the): No One Lives Forever: Game of the Year Edition